Supplier Code of Conduct

Kforce considers those Suppliers with which it does business to be extended members of our corporate family and, therefore, requires its Suppliers to understand and adhere to Kforce’s Commitment to Integrity (“Commitment”) as well as this Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”). As with the Commitment, many of the principles described in this Code are general in nature and are not intended to specifically address every situation or circumstance that might arise in the course of our business relationship. We expect our Suppliers to self-monitor and act with good business judgment and common sense and when it impacts Kforce, to reach out to us as necessary.

This Code applies to all Kforce Suppliers, their directors, officers, managers, employees, associates, agents, contractors, subcontractors, subsidiaries and affiliates as well as our Suppliers’ business partners who provide personnel, services or products in the Suppliers’ chain of business with Kforce. Suppliers are, therefore, expected to apply comparable standards downstream in their own supply chains. Nothing in the Commitment or Code, however, is meant to supersede more stringent or detailed provisions in our contract(s) with one another.

Business Integrity

Suppliers shall not engage in any illegal or unethical behavior. Suppliers are expected to uphold standards of fair business practices. Suppliers shall endeavor to maintain their own confidential processes to enable employees and contractors to report incidents of unethical behavior. Suppliers shall also engage in honest, accurate business reporting and communications with Kforce.


Suppliers are expected to be aware of, understand and build processes to comply with all applicable laws in the places where they operate or conduct business including, without limitation, import/export, trade, antitrust, securities, anti-corruption, intellectual property, labor/employment and criminal laws. Where the provisions of the law, the Commitment and this Code address the same subject, to the extent legally permissible, Suppliers shall apply the provision which is more stringent and furthers the intent of this Code to the greatest degree.

Human Rights

Suppliers are expected to treat workers humanely, with dignity and respect, and provide appropriate working conditions and terms. Please refer to Kforce’s Human Rights Policy for further information.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Kforce expects its Suppliers to prioritize the growth and success of all its employees and contractors and to build and promote an inclusive, diverse, and equitable working environment for everyone.

Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation

Suppliers shall foster a culture that seeks to promote equal opportunity for all.  Suppliers shall not tolerate discrimination on the basis of sex (including pregnancy), age, race, color, citizenship, disability, family and medical leave, genetic information, marital or family status, national origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other protected characteristic or category under applicable law.

Suppliers shall also foster a culture and workplace that do not tolerate harassment of any kind, based on any protected characteristic or diverse category (including but not limited to sexual harassment), threats of harassment or retaliation for reporting discrimination or harassment.

Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

Suppliers shall not engage in any form of human trafficking or use forced or involuntary labor in the performance of any work or otherwise demand service from an individual under threat or coercion. Rather, work must be conducted based on freely agreed terms.

Suppliers shall not use misleading or fraudulent practices during the recruitment of employees or offering of employment/contract positions, such as failing to disclose, in a format and language understood by the employee or applicant, basic information. Likewise, Suppliers shall not make material misrepresentations during employee recruitment about key employment terms. Suppliers shall not use recruiters that do not comply with local and national labor laws of the country in which the recruiting takes place.

Suppliers shall not withhold or destroy, conceal, confiscate, or deny access by workers to workers’ identity or immigration documents such as passports or drivers’ licenses.

Suppliers shall also not require applicants to bear any costs or fees associated with their recruitment.

Child Labor

Suppliers shall not employ minors or children under the minimum legal working age or for hours in excess of that allowed by law, during times not allowed by law, in hazardous positions, with toxic materials and/or in a manner/setting which jeopardizes their health or safety.

Working Conditions

Suppliers shall meet applicable standards regarding working conditions across their workforce including, without limitation, laws, regulations and standards relating to payment of minimum legal wages or wages meeting local industry standards, whichever is greater; the observation of legally mandated breaks and rest periods; and the health and safety of workers in the workplace.

Freedom of Association & Non-Retaliation

Suppliers shall promote an environment where business standards are clearly understood and there are set channels for individuals to communicate openly with management without threat of retaliation, intimidation or harassment. Suppliers shall also respect workers’ freedom of association.

Health & Safety

In addition to meeting minimum legal requirements for working conditions, Suppliers are expected to provide a safe, healthy work environment and take necessary precautions, including training, to prevent employees’ accidents and injury.

Environmental Stewardship

Suppliers shall seek to conduct business in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner. Suppliers are expected to make reasonable efforts to develop environmentally friendly practices to reduce negative environmental impacts and to comply with laws applicable to their business in the locations where they operate.


Suppliers shall abide by its obligations relating to protection, collection and proper handling of confidential and personal information. Please refer to Kforce’s Privacy Policy and Data Privacy Addendum, for further information.

Conflict of Interest

Suppliers shall not allow bias, conflict of interest, or inappropriate influence of others to override their professional judgments and responsibilities. Suppliers shall voluntarily declare and communicate with Kforce regarding any potential or actual conflicts of interest which impact or involve Kforce or Kforce’s personnel.

Corruption, Bribery & Financial Crimes

Suppliers shall not make bribes or accept them in the course of doing business. Suppliers shall also not induce or permit any other party to make or receive bribes on their behalf or cause other parties, including Kforce, to violate any applicable anti-corruption or anti-bribery laws when working on behalf of, or with, the other parties, including Kforce. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, any attempted or actual bribery of U.S. government officials, foreign governments or officials, or third parties. Suppliers shall use reasonable practices to prevent bribery in all forms and shall support efforts to fight corruption. Suppliers shall not engage in, or assist any third party with, any attempted or actual money laundering, terrorist financing or other financial criminal activities.

Insider Trading

Suppliers shall not buy or sell Kforce stock when in possession of information about Kforce that is not available to the investing public and could influence an investor’s decision to buy or sell the securities.

Gifts, Entertainment & Hospitality

Suppliers shall not offer, accept or solicit any gifts, entertainment or hospitality whereby there is a reason to believe, or a reasonable, informed third party would likely conclude, that there may be intent to improperly influence decisions or impair objectivity related to their business dealings.


Suppliers are not authorized to speak publicly on behalf of Kforce. Suppliers shall not issue or post press releases or statements regarding Kforce, or otherwise engage in publicity about their relationship or agreement(s) with Kforce, without Kforce’s prior written consent.

Reporting Suspected Violations

To report questionable behavior or a possible violation of this Code, Suppliers are encouraged to work with their primary Kforce contacts in resolving any concerns or report any issues to our Integrity Hotline at 866.213.5142.

Violations of Code

Please understand that violations of this Code are taken seriously and should be reported to Kforce by Suppliers upon discovery. Any violation of this Code may result in corrective action plans up to and including contract termination or termination of the Supplier relationship if acceptable compliance and performance levels cannot be agreed upon and achieved.